Called to Trust & Obey

One Puzzle Piece at a Time

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Life is a puzzle sometimes. The pieces never seem to fall into place how we expect. In the end, they create a beautiful and complete image. This is God’s work in us. We start out as a pile of puzzle pieces—a big mess. We attempt to fit them together on our own. And we are left confused, lost, and broken. But God graciously reveals Himself as the one who created the complete image and knows exactly how to fit all the pieces together. We simply need to trust Him.

My World

Stubborn, worried, and controlling are three words I would use to describe myself growing up. If I didn’t want to do something, I wouldn’t do it. Period. Tack on worry and controlling, and you got the opposite of change. Schedule and routine were my friends. I made sure to raise a stink when things deviated from the plan. Change and flexibility weren’t part of my vocabulary. I am only slightly exaggerating. What I’m getting at is that I was a wall about to crumble. On the outside, I may have appeared to have everything together, but on the inside, I was worried, fearful, and very judgmental. I didn’t want to stray from the comfort zone I’d built for myself. My worldview was centered on me.

Growing up, my family went to church each Sunday where I heard the many popular Bible stories in Sunday school, but I did not develop a personal relationship with Jesus until later. In my younger years, my faith was not my own. Though I am truly grateful for my upbringing, I went to church and believed in God because of my parents. In spite of this loosely held belief, God was at work. At age eight, on Easter Sunday and my sister’s fifth birthday, I committed my life to Jesus Christ. I don’t remember much changing after my profession, but I started to recognize God was real and I wanted to know more about Him. In middle school, I received my first Bible and started reading it every day. But still, my faith was not yet my own. I put this daily reading in my routine only because that’s what my pastor said to do and I knew it was a good thing to do. I was simply checking things off my list each day, part of my routine.

But God

My sophomore year in high school, my family began attending a different church. The pastor and church life challenged all of us in our faith, drawing us closer to God and the people of God. This is where I began to see my need for community, and I became more involved at church. After my junior year of high school, I remember going to a youth group summer camp. Each day we would break out into small groups and attend different classes, each addressing different biblical topics. The instructor of one class encouraged memorizing Bible verses. We were given time to consider things we struggled with and find verses to help us overcome them. In this moment, God began to grab hold of my heart and mind. Two Bible verses really stuck out to me: Matthew 6:34 and Proverbs 15:1. I remember God opening my eyes to the truth of His Living Word and how it is so relevant to us today. That summer, I began memorizing Scripture regularly and daily journaling my thoughts, prayers, and the Bible verses I memorized. My interest in writing had begun.

By the time I graduated high school, I had a growing hunger to read and study God’s Word. I was building a personal relationship with God. At my high school graduation party there was a hypnotist show. I vividly remember thinking how accurately the show represented humanity’s story. We are so easily distracted by our own wants and desires, like we are hypnotized. The next day, I continued to think about the show. God clearly and powerfully told me to write a book. My initial thought was, “Why me, God?” I never had any dreams of writing a book, and, at this point in my life, I absolutely hated reading any book besides the Bible. In that moment, God didn’t provide any detailed directions. I didn’t know exactly what He wanted me to write about or how I was going to get it published, but I knew with certainty He would guide me through the whole process. What I couldn’t even grasp at that time was how He would completely change the course of my life and the nicely laid plans I had made for myself. I assumed I could continue on with my plans to become a veterinarian and write this book. God had other plans.  

Plans Derailed

My first semester of college, my hunger for God’s Word only increased. I took a World Civilizations course that delved into the Persian Empire. I began hearing names I recognized from my Bible reading, like Cyrus the Great, Darius, and Xerxes. I began to see how God wrote all of history. The Bible isn’t some ancient mystical book disconnected from the real world. It stems from the One who breathed the universe and all of time into existence. God and the Bible became more real and relevant to me. I began to develop a passion for history, research and writing. By my second semester in college, I switched from pursuing veterinary medicine to studying history. God continued to lead and guide me, displaying His sovereignty. I was beginning to see my life wasn’t about creating my own story, but graciously becoming a part of Jesus’ story.

I look back and see so many points of my life God used as teachable moments, giving me the tools I needed to write and placing people to challenge and encourage me in my faith. He was molding me into who He wanted me to be. I can look back and see my parents, grandparents, other family members, pastors, youth group leaders, teachers, coaches, friends, authors, historical figures, neighbors, and others who were placed in my life at a specific time for a special purpose completely laid out by God. There’s no other explanation. There were many moments where a single sentence spoken or written by someone drastically changed my life. I know that was God speaking to me through someone.

College was exactly that—God leading me into different relationships to grow me and get me out of my comfort zone and change my life. At one point in my sophomore year of college, I felt strongly that God was directing me to be all in and focus on writing the book. So, one day I skipped class and work and drove back home. I had no intention of coming back, except to gather my things. I left a note for my roommates and that was it. I was all in, at least my version of all in. When I got home, I was surprised to find my mom home sick from work that day. I remember walking up to the front door and seeing the confused look on her face. All I could do was cry. We cried and prayed together. And when my dad got home that evening, we prayed some more. Eventually, we felt like God was wanting me to go back and finish school. I believe this was a test of my faith and trust in the Lord; as well as my misunderstanding of what God meant by “all in.” I could be all in and continue school. I went back to school more determined and focused on finishing the book. By the time I graduated college, I had written three different versions of my book and had completed my bachelor’s degree in history with a minor in anthropology.

In Due Time

I want to highlight the fact that I had a lot of difficult and dark times in my life. It wasn’t all sunshine. I didn’t choose to follow God every day. I was still a sinner, hypnotized by the lies of my own flesh, the world, and Satan. I was experimenting with drinking and struggling with viewing pornography.

But God was patient and gracious with me. He put people in my life who helped me out of both the drinking and the pornography. During this time, I also became involved with a college Bible study group and was asked to help out at my church’s youth group. Again, God turned my life around and put me back on the path He had for me. Soon after, I booked a flight to Cusco, Peru with a volunteer program for a month. Again, God’s timing was perfect. I could have gone down a dark path because of all the opportunities to party and drink. But God saved me from myself. The trip became an extraordinary opportunity to build friendships, share my faith, and have amazing conversations with people of different beliefs, backgrounds, and ideologies. It solidified my faith. I realized choosing Jesus meant standing on unshakable ground.

After I got back from Peru, I took a couple smaller trips in the states, but my heart was set on returning to Peru for a year or two. Once again, God had other plans. I continued serving as an adult leader in my church’s youth group and also joined the greeting team for Sunday mornings. That same year, I started leading a young men’s group for middle school, high school, and college aged young men. The primary goal of the group was to discuss God’s Word, pray, and talk about common problems young men face on a daily basis, like pornography, dating, obeying parents, school, work, and other things. I believe God used this time to grow my leadership skills and help me understand my need for continued fellowship and accountability. He also showed me the significance of sharing my testimony to point others to Him.

During this time, I worked full-time and bought my first house. I developed a strong work ethic and continued to gain more responsibility. The same month I moved into my first house, I asked a girl from church to coffee. This was the first girl I’d ever asked out in my life. Previously, I never dated. She loved the Lord and had a heart for others, she was smart, she had an amazing singing voice and was talented at playing the piano, she loved history and reading, and she was beautiful (and she still is all of these things and more). Our first coffee date turned into four hours of talking about all different subjects—our interests, families, church, history, and more. Afterward, I knew I wanted to keep talking to her. I remember being very intentional with my questions. I didn’t want to play the dating game. I was looking for a wife. So, I kept spending time with her. Within a few months, I proposed. And, in almost a year from our first coffee date, we got married! Her name is Heather.   

Looking back at my life before dating and marriage, I can see where God was preparing me specifically for being a husband. But not only that, He still had me on the path for writing this book. It may seem weird to some, but I know God brought Heather and I together so that I would finish this book and, more importantly, so He would continue to draw me towards Him and continue to mold and shape me into who He wants me to be. Heather helped me in so many ways and only grew my love and passion for reading, writing, and research. Our conversations would only inspire, challenge, and encourage me in the Lord and His purpose for my life. I now had a teammate to pursue the Lord and His calling and dream for my life.

New Family

In our first years of marriage, Heather and I became more involved in our church together. She started leading worship and I was responsible for organizing the different serving teams. Within a couple of years this church closed its doors and we began attending a new church. Although it was a difficult season, searching for a new church family grew our faith, as we trusted God to lead us to the right church. And we’re so thankful for where He brought us.

Our church has been the hand of God working in our lives. He has used this church family to greatly encourage and challenge us in our faith. We are Jesus-followers, grounded in the Bible, holding to the hope and truth of God’s promises and striving to obey His commands. We’ve seen God put big dreams in the hearts of this family, and see His faithfulness to direct and provide. We haven’t heard a single sermon that doesn’t point us to the Lord and remind us to give our whole lives to Him. This is another area God has used for His calling on my life to write a book.

After nearly four years of marriage and a year after starting to attend this new church, God gave Heather and I our first child. Children are truly a blessing. My life was changed. God continued to pull me towards Himself and chisel away the rough spots in my life. I grew in my trust in Him and clearly recognized my selfishness. Four years after that, we would have a total of three kids. Each child is a blessing, made unique with their own gifts, talents, quirks, and challenges.

Everything happens for a specific purpose. I strongly believe, in order to speak to the culture, you need to have one foot in the next generation. That’s why I believe God delayed the time between my first and final draft, so He could give me a different perspective, as a parent.

To God be the Glory

Today, approaching ten years of marriage with a six, four, and almost two year old, and after fifteen years of working and growing with the Lord, the book He called me to write is finally published. And I can’t help but think: “for such a time as this.” Not for my story, but for Your story, Lord. Not my will, but Your will, Lord. My life is not my own. I am grateful to get to be a part of God’s story. While the puzzle of my life is still incomplete, it is humbling to look back at each and every piece He has been fitting together into His grand design.

I want to make it clear that I did not write this book on my own accord. This wasn’t my plan. And this wasn’t to make a name for myself. It was simply out of obedience to the Lord. If He only wanted me to write this book to grow and shape me, so be it. If He plans to use this book to reach only one person, so be it. If He desires to use this book to point the world to Him, so be it. I am simply an instrument in His hands. I desire to walk in faith, trust, and obedience to the Lord. May His will alone be done.

Read the book I was called to write by ordering your copy here. Since its release, A Hypnotizing World won the Literary Titan Gold Book Award and has been featured in over 400 media outlets and publications.

2 Responses

  1. Wow I loved reading this and seeing God’s faithfulness in your story. The line that stood out to me the most was; “I strongly believe, in order to speak to the culture, you need to have one foot in the next generation.” Thank you for sharing.

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