How to Wait for the Lord

Waiting is not easy. Waiting on Someone we can’t physically see is even harder. But, like always, we can turn to God’s Word for help. God’s Word, along with the Holy Spirit for guidance, provides all the instruction we need to know how to wait for the Lord. There are many examples in the Bible of people waiting on the Lord. One of the best examples is David in the Book of Psalms. David waited for the Lord to work and move as he hid from his enemies. We will focus on a few of these psalms in this article.

Be Still

Psalm 37:7 tells us: “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.” The first part of this verse always strikes me. “Be still.” What does that mean? I do not believe this is telling us to do nothing. Yes, there is a time to be still before the Lord in a quiet place and without distractions. But I believe we can be active while being still before the Lord. 

Being still in times like today calls us to remain active in our faith. When we are at a loss for words, in pain and suffering, lost and confused, out of control, broken, and asking “Why, God?”, we can be still before the Lord–actively holding onto and living out our faith. There is nothing else we can do. But God is moving and working. So, we wait on the Creator of the universe. We wait on the only One who can move mountains. We wait on the One who is sovereign over all.

Be Strong

A second verse to help us understand what it means to wait on the Lord is Psalm 27:14: “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Waiting on the Lord takes strength. And this strength is not found in ourselves. Our strength comes from the Lord. Seeking and learning more about God in our waiting will give us strength. When we aren’t giving into our fears or worries in times of trouble, we can find comfort, peace, and strength in the Lord. 

Find Hope

A final verse to consider is Psalm 130:5: “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.” Our faith and our strength in our waiting are built by God’s Word. God reveals Himself in the Bible–His living and active Word. He tells us who He is and how He works. His Word is what will bring us hope in good and bad times because He’s never stopped working in the lives of people throughout the history of the world. He doesn’t change. He works in the same way today as He did in David’s life when these psalms were written. 

Waiting on the Lord is necessary and good. The coronavirus is out of our hands. The economy is out of our hands. The state of employment is out of our hands. Life is out of our hands. But God is in complete control. He is working. Be still, be strong, find hope, and wait on the Lord.

After reading this post, here is a song by John Waller on Youtube that talks about waiting for the Lord. Click here to listen to “While I’m Waiting”. This is a song my dad shared with me in college when I was struggling with God’s will for my life. It’s a song I’m reminded of often.

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