My Story

After hearing my story, most people would think that I grew up in a close to ideal environment, one that many only dream of. I don’t completely disagree, but this ideal environment does not produce a perfect person, especially in a fallen world. Yes, I, and my sister, were raised by loving parents, with both sides of the family living in town. I attended church each Sunday, had a few close friends with similar beliefs and values, and lived in a nice home. Besides the fact that my family wasn’t the wealthiest, some would still argue that I was set up for success. I had everything that many statistics categorize for an accomplished and successful future: a loving mom and dad, strong family beliefs and values, friends, church family, a safe and healthy home environment, etc. But this is only looking at the outside.

On the inside, I was broken. My heart was bent towards my selfish, controlling, worried, and prideful ways. Through grade-school and on to college, I was a mess. Why would I be like this even with loving parents and a good church attendance each Sunday? How could this be? I even read my Bible daily. People wouldn’t think I was broken. At times, I didn’t believe I was broken. I often focused on checking things off my list and believing myself to be a “good” person. With this mindset, I held grudges and judged everyone. This also built the walls for my own little world, isolating me from the truths of God and people.

My life didn’t turn around until I recognized and accepted my brokenness. Only then was Jesus’ payment on the cross real and His invitation an unshakable hope. I now saw the hypnotizing world that I allowed to enslave me. The world enticed me with the independent lifestyle where I could create my own little world. It held me in a broken and isolated mess. The world promised much but left me without a true and lasting identity, purpose, or hope.

When I accepted my brokenness, I realized I needed help. That’s when Jesus became the only certain answer. He’s my Savior—the only one who gives me a true and lasting identity, purpose, and hope. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus saves the brokenhearted. Jesus formed our identity in the beginning. Jesus gave us purpose when He made mankind. Jesus alone brings hope.

Where are you in your story? Are you lost, broken, or hopeless? Are you too proud to admit where you are in your story? Are you in search of a Savior?

Here are two verses that I find comforting:

Psalm 51:17: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart—These, O God, You will not despise.”

Isaiah 57:15: “For this is what the high and lofty One says—He who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.’”

Who are you in these verses? Do you see Jesus in these verses?

From these passages, we see that Jesus, our Savior, wants us to come to Him broken. In Him, our hearts and spirits will be revived. Our sacrifice to God is a broken spirit. He welcomes the broken in order to heal us. Are you ready to place your life in Jesus’ hands? Are you ready to admit your brokenness and ask for help? Stop trying to become a better person on your own. Stop fighting to save yourself. Stop attempting to heal your brokenness yourself. Accept defeat and join in the victory Jesus solidified for us all. In our weakness, He is strong. And He invites us to share in His strength and His victory. He’s not looking for the independent, powerful, wealthy, strong, or wise. He’s inviting the needy, weak, poor, hurting, and foolish to believe and follow a Savior who willingly died for us and joined God the Father on the throne of Heaven.

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